
Urban Experiments is research platform designed to value the impact of urban attributes and urban interventions in citizens’ perceptions of quality of life. Our aim is to enhance everyday urban experiences, providing an objective planning tool that can help to identify urban projects that truly enhance citizens’ quality life. Based on real citizen’s experiences, we combine an experimental design and bio-metrical measurements to produce reliable estimates of perceived improvement/deterioration of quality of life made by specific urban interventions. We use this to produce design policy recommendations.

Our contributions:

Advancing scientific research on the impact of urban projects on quality of life.

Producing scientific-based design recommendation to public sector projects that make cities more livable.

Providing design recommendations to private developers that better meet consumers demand for quality of living space.

Our Added Value:

Scientific planning analysis

Ex-ante evaluation of urban projects

Reliable estimates of design quality

Recommendations that are specific to the project

Low cost valuations